Hi, I'm Andrew Edgar |
Feel free to get in touch
Why do I make art?
The forest holds my attention, objects within are in a constant state of change. Forests are filled with sculptural forms diverse in textures, edges and colours. The earth is ours to honour. I carve, paint, and draw as an homage to the world around me. This is my attempt to slow down and look at things more closely, to observe the smallest details, to witness the germination of a seed, the rising of the moon or the falling of leaves. Exhilarated by the wilderness around me, I am gripped by a sense of awe that perhaps drove early Canadian artists to express what they felt was a land of majesty, grandeur.
Why do I make art?
The rushing currents of society rarely allow a person to slow down enough to observe, record and create. Like in a river, the periphery is where movement slows enough to seem calm. To allow honouring. My (small p) politics makes me ask the question, why does the mainstream rush around? Can’t it slow down? Wants vs. needs drives the sociopolitical economics of today. Our “mainstream'' is often about the newest, the latest, the best, giving little quarter to contemplation, relationships, nature, the value in stillness.
Why do I create art works?
Forest harvesting, fuel emission, consumer tendencies, plastics in the environment. Human activities that affect the balance of the natural world, change growth patterns, push species to extinction. I am a part of this! I contribute to the Environment, to global
warming, to species degradation, to over consumption. I create art pieces because I need to react to this and voice my opposition. Art is my way of saying, “here is an interesting piece of our Earth, look at it, think on it, slow down with it”.
The forest holds my attention, objects within are in a constant state of change. Forests are filled with sculptural forms diverse in textures, edges and colours. The earth is ours to honour. I carve, paint, and draw as an homage to the world around me. This is my attempt to slow down and look at things more closely, to observe the smallest details, to witness the germination of a seed, the rising of the moon or the falling of leaves. Exhilarated by the wilderness around me, I am gripped by a sense of awe that perhaps drove early Canadian artists to express what they felt was a land of majesty, grandeur.
Why do I make art?
The rushing currents of society rarely allow a person to slow down enough to observe, record and create. Like in a river, the periphery is where movement slows enough to seem calm. To allow honouring. My (small p) politics makes me ask the question, why does the mainstream rush around? Can’t it slow down? Wants vs. needs drives the sociopolitical economics of today. Our “mainstream'' is often about the newest, the latest, the best, giving little quarter to contemplation, relationships, nature, the value in stillness.
Why do I create art works?
Forest harvesting, fuel emission, consumer tendencies, plastics in the environment. Human activities that affect the balance of the natural world, change growth patterns, push species to extinction. I am a part of this! I contribute to the Environment, to global
warming, to species degradation, to over consumption. I create art pieces because I need to react to this and voice my opposition. Art is my way of saying, “here is an interesting piece of our Earth, look at it, think on it, slow down with it”.
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Like what you see? Email me and let's connect.