Hi, I'm Ilse Nel-Landers |
Feel free to get in touch
My art is all about emotion. It’s about portraying the magnificence and intrigue of life, allowing for self reflection and connection. I experience incredible joy when meeting artistic challenges with both experimentation and mastered techniques. Feelings evoked by nature are portrayed in my landscapes and raw internal emotions in much of my purely abstract work.
I mostly paint with acrylics in multiple layers, allowing both intuition and intention to guide me. When I begin a painting, I don’t know exactly how it will turn out. I try not to let my head get in the way of spontaneous creative expression. I trust the process. I let the paint have a voice. I listen to it. I dialogue with it. I paint in response to it. What evolves is an original, authentic piece of artistic expression.
I mostly paint with acrylics in multiple layers, allowing both intuition and intention to guide me. When I begin a painting, I don’t know exactly how it will turn out. I try not to let my head get in the way of spontaneous creative expression. I trust the process. I let the paint have a voice. I listen to it. I dialogue with it. I paint in response to it. What evolves is an original, authentic piece of artistic expression.
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Like what you see? Email me and let's connect.
Like what you see? Email me and let's connect.